Sijoitusmahdollisuus: Santa Marta ja helppo pääsy paikallisiin asiakkaisiin ja vierailijoille. on kasvava alue, jolla on laajentuvia markkinoita. This means that there is a great potential for the valorization of the property over time.
Possible uses:
Housing (Opinion Favorable Camaire)
Convenience Store
Aesthetic Office
Service Office
Clinical or Office Medical
Beauty Room or SPA
And more !
Possibility to keep the lessee or purchase the Révoluta store.
At this time the store is leased, with annual renewable contracts, which provides stability and guaranteed income for investors.
Current contract 500 € / month. There has not been an increase , toistaiseksi vuokralaisen äärimmäinen rehellisyys ja täsmällisyys. Coroios.